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nullxImpactor – Alternative for Cydia Impactor

The search for Cydia Impactor alternatives has become a leading trend. This could be after the result of a series of issues showed up in Cydia Impactor with the latest iOS releases. “Saurik” being salient by not reveling a date or a timeline for the fix also made iOS geeks look for alternatives. Among many […]

Cydia Impactor Alternatives

Cydia Impactor alternatives are an essential tool in the jailbreak community. It is required to sideload IPA files on iOS. So, it needs to sideload jailbreak tools like Checkra1n, unc0ver & Electra.  Why you need alternatives to Cydia Impactor Cydia Impactor was the unique IPA sideloader for Windows, Linux, and Mac since iOS 9. A […]

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