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@pattern_F_ demonstrated remote jailbreak iOS 14 on iPhone 12

Remote iOS 14 jailbreak

Last Updated on 3 years by admin

Again developer @pattern_F_has demonstrated iOS 14 Jailbreak using RCE+LPE exploit. According to his video, the iPhone 12 is jailbroken after opening a TQ-pre-Jailb app from the home screen which is navigated to a website designed to utilize a local privilege escalation exploit remotely. Earlier he demonstrated a LPE exploit using iOS 14.1 running iPhone 12. It was based on the 0-day exploit.

However, none of his methods are publicly available at the moment. Hope he will release a full remote jailbreak after tackling this method.

Issues on iOS 14.3 & lower versions

Further @pattern_F advised to not stay on iOS 14.3 or below versions. That is because there are potential dangers of a jaw-dropping security flaw discovered in iOS 14 – iOS 14.3 as well as iPadOS 14 – iPadOS 14.3. It is risky because if you click a malicious link this could steal private information from your iPhone or iPad. So you must upgrade your device to iOS 14.4 or higher versions.

How to Fix?

However, there is an issue for the iOS 14 – iOS 14.3 users to upgrade their device without losing Jailbreak. Still Unc0ver or Taurine jailbreak does not upgrade for latest iOS versions. If you upgraded to the iOS 14.4 or higher version, the only available jailbreak tool is the hardware exploit based Checkra1n Jailbreak tool. It has limited support and a bit advanced method. 

So, @tihmstar made a third-party patch for jailbroken devices who cannot upgrade the devices without losing Jailbreak to protect from attacks. itmsBlock available on tihmstar’s Github page. Also, it is recommended to upgrade the device to the latest device if you are staying on a iOS 14.3 or below for some other reason. That is the best option to protect your device from these types of remote hacking methods. 

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@pattern_F_ demonstrated remote jailbreak iOS 14 on iPhone 12
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