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iOS 14.7 Jailbreak news – Kernel exploits for iOS 14.7and below

Last Updated on 2 years by admin

Justin Sherman announced a proof of concept and a full write-up for a kernel-level exploit for iOS 14.7 & lower versions which might usable iOS 14.7 jailbreak.

In mid-October, he announced that he will publish a write-up detailing of kernel-level exploits for iOS 14.7 and below. This was for his school semester-long project.

As promised, he published a write-up for the kernel exploit on a personal blog as well as instructions discussing how to test it out on his GitHub page. Throughout the write-up he said it is possible to set up arbitrary kernel read/write APIs, and it could begin jailbreaking. This exploit is based on an IOMobileFrameBuffer bug (A.K.A. CVE-2021-30807) Also, this exploit requires individual offsets for every device and firmware combination.  Currently, this is only applicable on arm64 devices (A11 and older) and A12+ also should be workable because the exploit doesn’t attack PAC-affected data structures. However, A12+ will need to use something like Correlium.

Also, @b1n4r1b01 shared a proof of concept (PoC) of CVE-2021-30807 at work some time back. It was a zero-day kernel level exploit dubbed CVE-2021-30807, which Apple says, “may have been actively exploited.” This exploit was patched in iOS 14.7.1.

Current iOS 14.7 Jailbreak status

There is Checkra1n jailbreak tool available for iOS 14.7 as well as all the iOS 14 versions up to iOS 14.8.1. But this only works with older devices up to iPhone X. So newer handsets don’t have a jailbreak yet for newer than iOS 14.5.1. Previously Unc0ver & Taurine was available up to iOS 14.3 on all devices. After Linus Henze released an untethered for iOS 14.5.1 unc0ver updated only for A12-A14 devices with the Fugu 14.

Above all proves that there is no proper jailbreak tool for iOS 14.7 – iOS 14.4 versions. So, above exploits might be usable for creating a new iOS 14.7 Jailbreak tool or upgrading Unc0ver & Taurine jailbreak tool for these versions.

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iOS 14.7 Jailbreak news – Kernel exploits for iOS 14.7and below
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