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What is Google AR headset by Project Iris- Information leaked

Last Updated on 2 years by admin

What is a Google AR headset? Google AR headset is a totally new concept. It is not an upgrade for the 2013 release of Google Glass 3.0.

In 2013 when Google introduced the Google Glass it was too soon for the people to accept the new technology. As there weren’t many wearable gadgets except for the smart watches and bands. Also, wearing the Google Glass 3 at that time and talking to it while making head movements in public was embarrassing.

What’s new in Google AR

The augmented reality (AR) headset is totally wireless. It sees the real world through augmented cameras. Unlike other competitive products Google uses its cloud computing techniques to process heavy-duty graphics. Competitive products like Apple’s glasses use iPhones for heavy processing which make the glasses performance rely on another device.

Furthermore, according to the leaked information the core team behind Google AR headset (project Iris) is powered by a large team. Which includes around 300 members which also plans to expand. Facility is located in the San-Francisco bay area with high security. Access to the premises only granted through a special keycard. Clay Bavor the executive oversees the project.

The activity on Clay Bavor’s linkedin shows that he was working in AR projects since 2015 and currently “Forward-looking efforts like AR/VR, Project Starline, Area 120.”

What makes Google AR different from Google Glass 3.0

Google AR includes many upgrades compared to the Google Glass 3. It sees the word through an external camera. And it has improved far-field microphones similar to Google Home devices. This means there is no need to raise the voice even up to the normal speaking level. Whisper to the Google AR should pick the commands.

Also, with the integration of Google’s radar the new Google AR has improved gesture technology. Google may have used Pixel phone techniques on the upcoming Google headset.

Project Iris release date

Planned launched date for Google AR headset is in early 2024. Further as of the leaked information product launch could take place in parallel to the Project Starline.

Project Starline is also another cool project in its design state. It could be described as a high-fidelity telepresence system. Another simple explanation – Starline is made to change current distant video calling. It offers 3D live looking experience which keeps alive the face to face communication techniques. Eye contact, body language and hand gestures are a few key features offered.

Why Google came up with Augmented Reality headset

Even after a failed start with Google Glass 3.0 we are unable to pinpoint the exact reason why Google started developing Google AR headsets. However, it could be due to several reasons. Google might need to be in the game without losing in competition with other key developers.

As we know Apple has its own Apple Glasses which is planned to be released in 2023. Facebook is already in the market with it’s Ray-Ban stories. Who doesn’t like a piece of the metaverse pie. However, Google release date is far behind the others and still they are in plans to release a competitive product. This could mean that Google has much faith in the AR headset and have made all necessary changes to overcome the failures of Google Glass 3.

What do you think of AR Headset

Do you still think walking around with strange hand gestures and head movements will highlight you on the streets? Or are you ready to take the challenge and experience the amazing features that Google AR headset has to offer, mainly the google maps augmented reality can be a great start to fall in love with the headset. Keep us posted through the comments section.

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What is Google AR headset by Project Iris- Information leaked
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