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Is Apple Weather App becoming unreliable and inaccurate

Apple Weather App -

Last Updated on 12 months by admin

As the weather becomes increasingly unpredictable, an increasing number of individuals rely on their smartphones for accurate weather forecasts. Many iPhone users use  the Apple Weather app as it been the famous go-to weather app for quite a while.

However, in the past few months, the Weather App seems to have failed to perform at its best. The reports below highlights the errors that users came across. Which has been a concern for the weather app users.

User Reports about the Weather App

1 – Apples own Weather app is completely unreliable

2 – It’s apparently 10* with a high of 9 and a low of 45

3 – Have this ever happened to anyone in the weather app?

4 – How is Apple Weather this bad?

Is Apple Weather becoming unreliable and inaccurate?

Apple users are actively discussing the growing uncertainties associated with the Weather app on Reddit. One user highlights significant flaws in the app. (Click/tap to enlarge)

Admittedly, the performance of weather apps can change over time due to variables such as data sources, algorithm changes, and regional variations.

But we have previously highlighted a range of issues specifically related to Apple’s Weather app. For example, multiple users felt that the Weather app started displaying incorrect temperatures with the release of iOS 16, leading to regular failures.

Once again, users remain unimpressed with the app’s recent trend in terms of the reliability and accuracy of its weather forecasts.

Why is Apple Weather so inaccurate?

Why is Apple Weather so inaccurate? I live in the Netherlands, yesterday the app said 0% chance of rain and no rain forecast. but when i look outside it came raining with buckets of water… Don’t get me wrong i love the app and it’s new UI but is there an alternative app that has better forecast?

With frustration people are looking for alternative apps that provide weather updates.

Unfortunately, for some, the decision to seek other apps is also due to the less user-friendly interface of the Apple Weather app.

Seeking Reliable Alternatives: Find the Perfect Weather App for Your Needs

Share Your Insights: Discovering the Ultimate Alternative to Apple Weather! Let Us Know if You’ve Found the Perfect Combo of User-Friendly UI and Accurate Updates. Join the conversation in the comments section and share your thoughts on other promising weather apps.

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Is Apple Weather App becoming unreliable and inaccurate

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